Saturday, July 24, 2010

QA: The bullying row Labours reply and Whitehall guidelines

Sam Coates and Jill Sherman & , : {}

What will the bullying row do to Gordon Browns reputation?

Most of the open already thought the Prime Minsters celebrity was unattractive, so the bullying row is doubtful to shift voter perspective much. In a Populus check for The Times last September, 56 per cent found him unlikeable, together with roughly dual thirds of men. Indeed, the idea that he is an assertive personality could be incited to his advantage: 43 per cent of electorate polled in Jan noticed him as strong; 41 per cent as decisive; 48 per cent as substantial; and 40 per cent as up to the job. David Cameron is forward on these measures, but the opening has narrowed in new months

How effectively has Labour responded to bullying allegations?

Downing Streets reply was primarily slow. It took Sir Gus ODonnell 36 hours to repudiate by the Prime Ministers orator chastising Mr Brown for his control with staff. Labour total additionally strike the airwaves yesterday to subject the credit of Christine Pratt, the arch senior manager of the National Bullying Helpline. She still has not cold the explain that the helpline perceived 3 or 4 contacts with people in the Prime Ministers bureau

Related LinksCharitys Brown bullying claims in doubtWe all watched Mandy brag on bullying Downing Street staff urged to air problems

Was there any Tory impasse in her preference to go public?

No. Despite meaningful the Tory claimant in Swindon, the Conservative Party insists that it did not know in allege that Christine Pratt was going to take to the airwaves.

What are the Whitehall discipline on bullies?

There are no bullying discipline on the control of ministers. Civil servants would be approaching to discuss it their evident superiors if they had concerns but youth staff would be doubtful to go to a permanent cabinet member if they had been bullied by a minister. Some Whitehall departments have trusted await networks of lerned volunteers to whom employees can speak. But where enough movement is not taken inside of an organization to residence the situation afterwards an worker can renounce and explain helpful exclusion on the belligerent of crack of contract, contend Cabinet Office discipline

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